Almost all Ockels are on their way!

By admin — juni 13th, 2018

Hi all,

Time for yet another exciting update!

Last week we’ve managed our way through the logistical challenges we faced. And with  great results, as most of you received their tracking code and some of you even received their Ockel Sirius A or Ockel Sirius A Pro already!

Amazing feedback

We are thrilled to read through all the amazing feedback we got from you! Our social accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) have seen a high traffic rate lately. Obviously, the comment section is full with enthusiastic backers. For us, it’s heartwarming to see & read all the positive feedback. Once again: Thanks for the support!

Logistical progress | Outside EU

It has been an amazing week!
We have shipped thousands of Ockel Sirius A’s to countries all around the globe. Did you know this campaign has backers from 88 different countries? It has been a challenge, but we’re more than happy with the results. Most of the orders have been shipped with DHL. A small portion of the orders were shipped with different carriers. We decided to use different carriers in cases where we could win a significant amount of days in terms of delivery time.

In case you haven’t yet received a tracking code. Please double check your e-mail inbox, including your spam-folder. Just a few hours ago we e-mailed the last batch of tracking codes to many of you.

The good news is that we shipped out all Ockel Sirius A’s & Ockel Sirius A Pro’s to countries outside of EU. The only configuration that hasn’t yet been shipped is the Ockel Sirius A Pro – Moon Silver. The expectation is that we will ship out this configuration by the end of this week.

To wrap up the information, here’s the overview of the current shipping status, as requested by many of you:

Shipping schedule outside EU

  1. Ockel Sirius A Home – Meteor Grey – 100% shipped
  2. Ockel Sirius A Pro – Meteor Grey – 100% shipped
  3. Ockel Sirius A Home – Venus Gold – 100% shipped
  4. Ockel Sirius A Home – Moon Silver – 100% shipped
  5. Ockel Sirius A Pro – Venus Gold – 100% shipped
  6. Ockel Sirius A Pro – Moon Silver – Expected for shipment this week

Logistical progress | EU countries

We have good news for all of our European backers as well! The airfreight with has arrived on Schiphol Airport, here in the Netherlands. Our expectation is that the Ockel Sirius A & Sirius A Pro’s will arrive in our warehouse tomorrow.
Our logistic team has prepared all they could in order to ship out the individual parcels as quickly as possible.

This means that as soon as the Ockels arrive in our warehouse we’ll make sure to ship out all individual parcels on the same day. With an expected delivery time of 3-4 days many of the European backers will receive their Ockel Sirius A or Ockel Sirius A this week!

Make sure to double check your e-mail box this week – including your spam folder – for the e-mail with tracking information.

There are two configurations that need a little longer to reach your doorstep. The configuration that won’t be shipped this week is the Ockel Sirius A Pro – Moon Silver. A part of the Ockel Sirius A Pro Venus Gold will be fulfilled later as well. The expectation is that we will ship out these two configuration by the end of next week.

To wrap up the information, here’s the overview of the current shipping status, as requested by many of you:

Shipping schedule EU countries

  1. Ockel Sirius A Home – Meteor Grey – 100% shipped by the end of this week
  2. Ockel Sirius A Pro – Meteor Grey – 100% shipped by the end of this week
  3. Ockel Sirius A Home – Venus Gold – 100% shipped by the end of this week
  4. Ockel Sirius A Home – Moon Silver – 100% shipped by the end of this week
  5. Ockel Sirius A Pro – Venus Gold – 50% shipped by the end of this week
  6. Ockel Sirius A Pro – Moon Silver – Expected for shipment at the end of next week

Production of the Ockel Sirius A Pro Moon Silver

Last in line during our production was the Ockel Sirius A Moon Silver. Due to this fact, we have placed this configuration last in line of our logistical process. Luckily the Ockel Sirius A Moon Silver passed the final QC’s last week and we’re expecting to have these units available for shipping later this week. The fulfillment will be handled according to the two schedules released in this update.

Share your thoughts / experiences!

We’re happy to read through your reviews/feedback. Feel free to leave a comment here on Indiegogo or via one of our social accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram). If you have any product specific questions or issues, please contact our product specialists through

That’s it for now. As always, if you have any questions regarding our products or this update, please feel free to contact us at or leave us a comment, here on Indiegogo. We answer all questions within 48 business hours (Monday-Friday)

See you next week,

The Ockel Team


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