Campaign progress
By admin — October 18th, 2016
First of all, we are so happy to see how well our campaign is progressing. The Ockel Sirius A campaign had a fantastic start and the funding counter is now showing an impressive 250%+ funded mark. Our backers made this happen! Not only did they give us the trust and financial support, many of them are also sharing their (technical) knowledge and ideas with us. That’s extremely valuable to us, so a big thank you for that. We have 22 days left to grow the Ockel Sirius A community and we are very curious to see who joins us.
Survey responses
In our previous Indiegogo update we released our ‘’Sirius A Backer Suggestions Survey’’ (if you haven’t filled out the survey yet, you can still do so. It’s completely voluntarily, if you don’t participate in the survey you will still get your Ockel Sirius A, don’t worry!).
We were blown away by the amount of responses we’ve received. Over 170 of you filled-in the survey and we received many useful suggestions and use cases. Thank you so much!
We are currently studying the (technical and financial) requirements for the different options and will update you soon about the outcome.
Sold-out Super Early Bird Perk
Last Friday we sold our 350th and last Super Early Bird perk, yay! Luckily the Super Early Bird + 128GB Micro SD card is still available, which also includes the free award-winning powerbank of Avanca. In addition we’ve released our Early Bird perk which is available at $549,- (excl. shipping) and which gives you a discount of 21% on the final retail price.
Last weekend the Ockel Sirius A was covered again in many blogs news websites and other tech related media platforms. Keeping up with all the press response is almost impossible, but we are trying :-). The page will be updated soon with links to blogs and websites for those of you who want to read more about the project.
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